Monday 9 March 2009

I'm Rich!

I'm finally a Millionaire! (albeit in Yugoslavia) I will be trying to get things sorted out in Sterling as we go through this process but it's a start I guess! :)

I have also had a bit of a reality shock after watching video footage of the Tough Guy Race. I'm still going to do it, but I'm now more scared of it than everything else on the list! See why here: Anyone else looking to join in or be part of it can check out the application here:

Tuesday 3 March 2009

My first fail!

Well the Island job has gone down the pan, but they sent a nice email telling me that I'd considered next time, if they have a next time! Lovely... Thanks for all of the support there, I had just over 290 views at the end which wasn't bad for a week!

I am meeting with some sponsors tomorrow to discuss combining my overnight in a Haunted House - (Which will be Halls Croft, infamous for the Yvette Fielding ghostly spoon throwing incident no less. Have a look here: Spooky eh!) with a sponsored skydive, all in aid of charity. Will let you know more as and when.

Monday 2 March 2009

Organ Donor-ing.

The easiest on the list! You should go and do it yourself now. Just click this link here and off you go. If you do shuffle off this mortal coil a bit quicker than expected it's not as if you'll be needing any of them so whether you're planning on hanging with St Peter, meeting the flying spaghetti monster or being re-incarnated as a poo beetle, just join up! It takes 1 minute!

You can also see an amazing related music vid here: DJ Shadow

I have plans in motion for a fair few of the others on the list so I will be letting you know as and when. The band getting signed is an ambitious one, but the recordings are going well at the mo and there will be new stuff coming up soon, along with some gis as well. Here is their Facebook link. You can also check out Louis' new APRON video - "Tom's got a Blackberry" here

The deep sea fishing trip is coming in the summer with my Bruv in law Gary, soon to be bruv in law Mark and Chris, his Bruv in law, so it will be quite a family affair!